Filed under Mood boards

Yellow meets Black

Yellow meets Black

Here is a mood board for one of my favorite color combinations in interior decorating: black and yellow. When used with moderation, it is dramatic and optimistic in the same time. Enjoy!  

Mood Serenity

Mood Serenity

Like a beam of sun on a cloudy day, this photo has brought some instant moment of happiness and peace when I saw it. Love the bird cages arrangement, fresh flowers and the rustic cloth. It feels so relaxing and cozy! I could totally envision it during the night adding candle lights to the cages and around the table. … Continue reading

Under the sea pastel mood board

Under the sea pastel mood board

Every time I try to google search “pastels”, all I can find are candy polka dots and baby pinks and blues for nurseries. Sounds familiar? So I tried thinking of an elegant soft color scheme that would not remind of a baby shower. Solution: opt for soft lilac, tender coral and creamy beige instead of standard pink and … Continue reading

Vintage Rosewood mood board

Vintage Rosewood mood board

On this cold and snowy day in Montreal, I am curled in the chair with the blanket sipping a glass of an aged port…Wrapped in memories and dreaming of what’s to come. Mingled between past and future, there is this longing for warm, cozy colors, soft and intricate textures and natural woods: I’m in the mood for Vintage … Continue reading